Thursday, March 22, 2007

I'm cool too.

So my friend Graeme made a blog a while ago. That's no big deal to me. I honestly didn't care. I had a blog once. I had it first too. I was already past that. Blogs were very circa mid-2006 as far as I would concerned. People were saying that blogs were the new black or some other post-modern fashion cliches about them, but I didn't care. I had a blog before it was cool.

Or at least before Graeme. I don't even know if they are cool anymore.

But then all of a sudden I find out that Jake has a blog too. And then I realized that I should've cared more when Graeme got his blog. He was starting a culturally trend without me when I was already the cool indie-underground guy. You know, the sort of person who would've liked Blink 182 back in 1996 and then stopped thinking they were cool in 1999 when everyone else caught on. Yeah. I was that guy.

So make no mistake, I'm not missing this bus of cultural relevance. Oh no. I'm on board here people.

If anyone is wondering what the point of this post is you can keep that up. I will be asking myself that same thing. We should brain storm together. And maybe make out a bit.


Graeme said...

You want to be me. And also, I have statistical evidence that I, Graeme, had a blog before you Dave. Check out your profile. It'll say "On Blogger since April 2006". Mine is from March 2006. Zing!
But nay, I support you in your adventure to bring your fresh outlook into the world of blogging.
Just don't get in my way.

Dave said...

I didn't know how to change the URL on the other one so I just deleted and started over. A fresh start. Now I'm taking it one day at a time as I try moving past this difficult time in my life.